A process undergoes a certain amount of volatility as it moves from start to finish. 随着过程从开始到结束,它经受着特定量的易变率。
This can be specified as either the start and end times or as the amount of time you specify, counted backward from the time that you click Finish. 这可以指定为开始和结束时期,或者作为您指定的时间量,从您点击Finish的时刻开始向回计算。
If the application has set a timeout for several seconds, it exits in a given amount of time, unlocks the application, then asks you to return later to finish your transaction. 如果应用程序将超时设置为数秒钟,则会在给定时间内退出,取消锁定应用程序,然后要求您稍后返回以完成事务。
Full moons bring an enormous amount of energy, so you will be able to rally the team quite effectively to help you finish the project, if necessary. 满月带来丰富的能量,所以如果必要的话,你可以非常有效的将团队集合来帮助你完成这个项目。
Also, that method requires an exact amount of yarn-bit of a bummer running out before you finish the neck edge, eh? 另外,这种方法需要对线长有比较精确的度量,如果里边(靠脖子的边)还没织完,线就用完了岂不是很糟。
By means of the self-adaptability and anti-lag function of MFA, the fluctuation range of moisture content of cut tobacco was decreased, the amount of over-dried cut tobacco during start and finish of drying operation were reduced, and cigarette quality was improved. 利用MFA的自适应和抗滞后功能,减小了烟丝含水率的波动幅度,降低了干头干尾的数量,提高了卷烟生产质量。
But from talking on the technology, not hesitating to adopt private address, can resolve the part address problem by the fact that NAT changes, large amount of practice already indicates way, this does not finish being. 从技术上讲,尽管采用私有地址,通过NAT转换可以解决部分地址问题,但大量的实践已表明,这并非是好办法。
The experimental results show that in heterogeneous resource environments, compared with current HDFS, DMDR reduces the amount of data transferring, improves the load balance, and degrades the job finish time. 实验表明,在异构环境下,较之现有HDFS副本管理机制,DMDR可有效减少节点之间数据传输,提高负载均衡,降低作业执行时间。
Intensified industry competition booms current digital model amount. Design reuse is the first choice of most design studios to finish a design with given time. 工业竞争的加剧导致现有的设计模型数量成倍增长,在设计时间紧的前提下,设计重用已经成为大多数设计机构的第一选择。